I have a eye for design
I use my Visual Design experience to create artwork for my clients

I have many years of marketing experience
I use my experience to help my clients succeed.
I want to help you, help yourself
My blog has free advice and templates for you to use today.
My mission is to help you help yourself. I want you to succeed as a business because my success is your success.

Case Study

A case-study about a friend I helped
I want to tell a story about a good friend who lost her job during the pandemic, started again, and then started a new one.
Karen is a physiotherapist in Vancouver, Canada, and like most people during Covid-19, she had lost her job. A scary place to be in one’s life, but for her, she saw an opportunity to do things differently for herself.
She decided to do the scariest thing that she’ll ever do. She started her own business.
At the time, all she had was a name and a dream. Luckily she had me. (Big-headed as it may sound, I’ve worked as a designer and marketer for over ten years. Helping rebrand businesses globally and domestically).
Helping to build reliance within people
Like most people starting a business, money is the first hurdle. For me, it was another hurdle for us to find a creative solution. That’s why I began to create resources, blogs, courses, and how-to videos for my friend and others to navigate the new business venture.
With my guidance, Karen went from one day a week to owning her first studio. All of this was within her first year. I can’t take all the credit; Karen is badass and grafted hard to get where she is today. I just helped cut the noise and ensured her brand, website, and marketing efforts made an impact.

Your success means my success!
Do you need more customers? Can you find your business on Google? These are a few of the many struggles of a small business. It’s hard to make a brand that lasts, and it’s even harder to be found by your target audience. Make your life a little easier and ask for help. Make your dollars count and cut through the noise to find your people, just like Karen; with my help, she’s thriving in Squamish. The results speak for themselves.
My mission is to help you to help yourself, as we have too many billionaire space cowboys in this world. It’s time we bring it back locally and get small businesses going. Don’t be silly, talk to Billy.