5 simple steps to Create a Brand Personality Your Consumers Will Love

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It may look great, but more than a website is needed to give your brand the character it needs. Think of your brand like it’s another person – real people want to connect with characters and personalities rather than just a logo. Give your brand traits that people can relate to, and you’ll win their loyalty. Your brand’s personality is essential to how people remember it — even more significant than its identity! So let’s ensure we give our brand the character it needs to build relationships and last.

This blog will help you create your Brands Personality

A unique brand personality can help you stand out and build stronger customer connections. It’s a great way to attract attention and inspire loyalty to your brand over other brands.

What is a Brand Personality?

Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics and traits that a brand exhibits and is perceived to possess by its target audience. It humanizes the brand and makes it more relatable to customers on an emotional level. A brand personality is defined by a set of adjectives that describe the brand’s characteristics, values, and tone of voice. It helps differentiate a brand from its competitors and creates a unique identity that customers can connect with. A strong and well-defined brand personality can foster customer loyalty and drive business success.


Why is finding your Brand Personality so Important to your Businesses?

Picture this: you’re stuck in a room with the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, but they’re as boring as a rock. Time slows down, and you’re praying for something, anything, to happen. That’s how your customers feel when your brand lacks personality. Sure, a pretty website may hold their attention for a moment, but eventually, they’ll move on to something more engaging.

That’s where brand personality comes in. By defining a set of traits that allow people to connect and relate to your brand, you humanize it and make it interesting. And as we all know, interesting sells. To captivate your audience and build lasting relationships, you need a unique and well-defined brand personality. So don’t be the pretty face with nothing to say. Use brand personality to create a captivating persona that your customers will love.

If you don’t solidify your company’s brand identity, what can you expect?

Having the right brand personality can really help your company get noticed and create meaningful connections with its customers! Picking the right mix of traits will ensure that you have a vibrant, memorable brand that evokes an emotional response and makes your customers feel special. On the flip side, if you get the combination wrong, it can lead to a lackluster brand that just doesn’t resonate with people and might even cost you sales.
The aim is to create an authentic humanized brand that can relate to your consumer. If done wrong, you would create a plain Jane of a company. Yes, you’ll make some sales, but people would bypass the plainness of your brand for an exciting and engaging competing brand. Hey, wouldn’t it be awful if you were stuck on a long car ride with no music? Think about it – would you rather have a pretty or an interesting person alongside you to help pass the time?
Brands are no different. If I’m going to buy from a company continually, I know I’d rather choose an interesting company over a pretty one.

How do you assign a Personality to your Business? Let’s figure it out together!

Defining your brand personality is crucial to standing out in a crowded market. Every brand has a unique way of presenting itself to its audience, and it’s important to make sure your brand identity is distinct and memorable. A strong brand personality can drive sales and increase engagement with your target audience, leading to long-term success for your business. 

To create a compelling brand personality, consider what kind of person your business would be. Would they be exciting, sincere, rugged, competent, or sophisticated? These adjectives can help you define your brand’s traits and connect with your desired audience. By understanding your consumers’ personalities, you can create a brand identity that resonates with them and drives customer loyalty. 

One effective way to give your brand a personality is to find an archetype that fits your business. This can help guide your brand’s messaging, tone, and behavior, creating a consistent and recognizable character that consumers can connect with. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-defined brand personality – it can be the key to standing out in a crowded market and driving long-term success for your business.

Why should you use Brand Archetypes?

Brand archetypes are an invaluable tool for small business owners to help create a strong, identifiable, and emotionally connected brand. By choosing a pre-determined character that reflects the company’s values and traits, it is possible to gain a deeper connection with customers, attract an audience and build loyalty. As the archetype essentially brings a brand to life and humanizes it in the form of a ‘person,’ it is important that all marketing efforts ensure the brand reflects the character of the archetype.
Having a unique and engaging personality can really make your brand stand out to your customers, so why not make use of the 12 brand archetypes available to help you out?

Brand Archetypes

Image sourced from iconicfox.com

The 12 brand archetypes to choose from

Here are the 12 archetypes – The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage. Doesn’t that sound interesting? Click on the accordion below to learn more about each archetype (Brands By Yovo /) – See which one relates to your business.
  • Exhibits happiness, goodness, optimism, safety, romance, and youth. Example brands include: Coca-Cola, Nintendo Wii, Dove

Create your Brand Personality in 5 Steps

Start crafting your unique brand personality today with these 5 simple steps – and you’ll be sure to make meaningful connections with your customers!

Step 1: Outline your Core Values, Vision & Mission statement

Having strong relationships with your customers is so important – but if you don’t know what your business stands for, how are you supposed to make real connections with them? That’s where defining your core values, Vision and Mission comes in! They act like a guide to help you stay on track and focused on the most meaningful things. Think of them as a roadmap that points the way to your business’s future and helps keep you on the path to success.

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Have you created your Core Values, Vision, and Mission Statements yet?

No? Don’t worry I can help! Click on the links below to get started today!

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Step 2: Select an Archetype

Leverage step 1 to tap into your intuition and identify the archetype that aligns perfectly with your brand’s personality. Choose from a wide spectrum of options, including The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage. Remember, your brand’s archetype is a critical aspect of shaping its identity, so choose wisely!

Step 3:  Build on Emotion; Select up to Five Adjectives

It’s been proven time and time again that emotions hold powerful sway over our thoughts and actions. That’s why if you want to create a lasting connection between your brand and your audience, you must tap into their feelings. And how do you do that? By carefully selecting 3 -5 adjectives that evoke the right emotions to describe your brand’s personality. So, ask yourself this – what emotions do you want your brand character to embody? Choose wisely, and the emotional bond between your brand and your audience will keep them coming back for more.
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Step 4:  Put Brand Personality Traits on Paper 

Get your brand’s identity on paper; start by writing your chosen archetype and the 3-5 adjectives that represent the emotion of your brand. By mapping out your brand’s character like this, you’ll create a visual representation of the person your brand embodies.

Step 5: Turn your Brand Personality into a Human

Transform your brand personality into a relatable being by creating a compelling character that embodies your company’s unique attributes. To achieve this, simply follow this step:
  • Construct a brief description of your brand personality, imagining it as a person characterized by the qualities of your selected archetype and the associated adjectives that capture its emotional essence.

For inspiration, take a look at the example below. Let your imagination run wild and bring your brand to life with a dynamic character that captures the hearts and minds of your target audience.

EXAMPLE of a humanized brand personality definition

Below I have set myself as a brand, and I’ve highlighted the archetype as well as five adjectives that describe my emotions.

Billy is the hero archetype. He’s the type of guy that will be proud to support his community. His optimistic about people’s desire to support local and he wishes to help by gently teaching small business owners to become self-reliant. He’s passionate about all forms of creative communication and wishes to share his love of design, marketing, and storytelling with others.”

Key Takeaways

  • Brand personality is a set of human characteristics and traits to humanize a brand.
  • Brand personality is what makes your business interesting
  • Adjectives a for Emotions
  • Help your business stand out from the competition through the humanized component of your brand.
    • Create an emotional connection with your customers through the way it communicates
    • Brand Personality Spectrum helps give a quick glance overview of the way your business should communicate
  • Remember, consistency saves brands!


    Congratulations on creating a captivating and distinctive brand personality! However, the crucial step now is to maintain it. Consistency is key to establishing a powerful and identifiable brand. To achieve this, it’s crucial to keep a record of your brand archetype and the 3-5 descriptive words that define your brand personality and to ensure that they are incorporated into your brand guidelines. All your team members, especially designers, must adhere to these guidelines to develop consistent and authentic brand messaging that matches the warm and inviting identity you’ve put together. Failing to do so threatens to undermine your brand’s image and make it difficult for you to connect with your intended audience. Hence, don’t let all your hard work go to waste; ensure consistency in all your branding efforts to enhance your brand’s reach and influence.



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